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Excellent Stretching Routines

streatching exercise

Before beginning your training routine, it is essential that you do some stretches to promote blood circulation throughout the body and help avoid unexpected injuries. Dynamic stretches, also known as active stretches, are vibrant movement patterns whereby the joints and muscles experience a full range of motion.

These stretches are used as a warm-up and are used to stimulate and prepare the muscles for vigorous exercise. Apart from stretching the muscles and tissues, dynamic stretching makes the muscles ready for action by activating and warming them up. Furthermore, a proper warm-up should also include foam rolling, dynamic stretching, and other motions to ensure that your muscles and joints are loose, mobile, and ready for your workout.

Here are some universal dynamic stretches for your upper body.

Side Bends

A standing side bend is a stretch that targets your obliques, back muscles, and lower and upper abs. Other than stretching your upper body, side bends also improve your posture and strengthen your legs. Here’s how to do them;

Spinal Rotations

Spinal rotations, also known as trunk rotations, stretch your upper back, shoulders, and abs. Side note: you can also use workout supplements from Steroidsfax to help you train better and more efficiently. Here’s how to do them;  

Chest Stretches 

This exercise aims to stretch your chest muscles. Here’s how to do them;

Neck Stretches

According to fitness experts, the neck can be stretched through flexion, extension, and/or rotation. For extension and flexion, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your head facing forward. Gently tuck your chin inwards to your chest then lift the head up and back as far as it can comfortably go. CBD oil has lots of benefits and also side effects so you should be aware of this.

To do rotations, look straight ahead and in a uniform pattern, then move your head back and forth from left to right. Ensure that you do at least 15 reps with each stretch.

Arm Crossovers

This stretches your chest and shoulders. Here’s how to do them;

Benefits of Dynamic Stretching

Some of the significant advantages of dynamic stretching include;

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